I had a busy, busy day. I got up early to get this card made and ran out the door as soon as Seth got on the bus. His school has a public forum to celebrate the kids who are on Honor Roll and who have won a Guiding Principle Award. You have to embody one of the five Guiding Principles which are Honesty, Respect, Hard Work, Responsibility, and something else. I never can remember them all. He won for Hard Work. He also got a pencil for having perfect attendance. It's all craziness to me, but the school does it, and as long as Seth gets some award, I try not to mind sitting shoulder to shoulder with other parents in a hot packed auditorium/cafeteria.
Then I had to go meet my mom for some Christmas shopping and lunch. I got home right before Seth got off the bus. I let her drive, which I may never do again. She tried to pass a big truck on the right side just as the lane merged, then she gave a lecture about his bad driving. I am alive, and it was her money spent shopping, so once a year the kids can get gifts from "Santa."
Scott came home early, which NEVER happens, but it was just to complain about work and employees. We ate a fast dinner and I am off to Stamp Camp tonight. I hope I get to sit down tomorrow.
This is absolutely STUNNING!!!!
I like it!
I'm not a fan of whirlwind days either. Hope today is quieter for you.
fun card, girlie! hope you had fun at Stamp Camp and that today is easy peasy for you!
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